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  • Writer's picturePauline Gabrielle Carillaga

Online Hate

Looking at phone

While scrolling on my social media feed, I usually stumble upon hate comments on certain ads, news articles, memes, and even thoughts that were set to “public” by other users.

Sometimes, curiosity gets the best of me and I end up reading these comments. Even though a part of me already knows that I’ll probably just feel awful after reading them. And most of the time, that is the case.

Hate is such a strong emotion, and it seems like a single hate comment is the only spark needed to start a wildfire of negativity on a comment section.

When a post or article tries to convey a message within a certain character limit, there’s always a chance that the message can get misconstrued. But reading through some of the hate comments online, it almost seems like some people are just ready to judge an entire situation, or a person’s entire being without ever knowing the whole story.

With how often I see these types of comments, I sometimes wonder – “is this their way of having fun or using their spare time?” But a part of me also wonders what these types of commenters could be going through.

I’ll back off of giving unsolicited advice on how to use their time wisely, because after all I’m but an observer. But every hate comment is like a loaded weapon, and somehow, no matter how little the impact, if it can affect an observer like me, I can only imagine how much worse it feels for the person who made the post.

In this world of social media, I guess you have to be strong and have thick skin.

In this world of social media, I suppose some are braver behind the keyboard.

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