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  • Writer's picturePauline Gabrielle Carillaga

Assumptions about one’s life

Close up of woman wearing mask

It seems so common for people to assume that they know what’s happening in one’s life.

We’ll never really know what’s going on with someone’s life and how they’re feeling right now. To find out the truth, we have to see it for ourselves, or lend an ear when they’re ready to open up.

As long as the person keeps mum about it, and puts up a front, we’ll never know what’s really happening with them, and we may draft our own conclusions about their life.

But honestly, we can’t really tell.

For us, it’ll just be: looks like they’re happy.

Looks like they’re serious.

Looks like they’re joking.

Words that we currently hear and expressions based on what we see, are mere assumptions.

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