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  • Writer's picturePauline Gabrielle Carillaga

Do what makes you happy

Happy and Free Woman

It’s okay if you don’t care about what others think of you.

I’m probably the last person who should be telling you this, because for years, I’ve always held other people’s opinion in such high regard, to the point where I would face uncomfortable situations just to avoid seeming selfish or offensive.

But now, looking back, I realize that it was probably more selfish of me to think of myself as the “good one”, always upholding the image of being proper and agreeable in their eyes. But deep inside, I think I was just playing the part of the self-righteous character after all.

So, my advice is: Do what makes you happy, as long as it is morally right. It is your life after all, so you call the shots, and no one else. As long as you’re moving forward in a good path, I think that’s ultimately what’s best for you.

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Dec 18, 2022

I really need this today! Thank you love! <3

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